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SRM Discovery Data Access

Company Name:

Decisiv, Inc.


Solution Overview:

With SRM Discovery Data Access you have readily available access to information about all serviced assets across three primary categories; service event data, asset data, and inspection data. This updated information is delivered to you daily in a format compatible with your business intelligence tool, to keep you current and aware of the activity on serviced assets throughout your network.

Solution Description:

Service Event Data: Measure the speed, cost and effectiveness of your service network. Service Event Data enables valuable analytics including cost analysis of service operations (including VMRS trends), monitoring parts usage trends, and analyzing the frequency of digital communications (internal service provider and customer). The Service Event data includes Line Item Operation, Line Item Parts, and Notes data.

Asset Data: With Asset data you gain visibility into detailed information on assets serviced, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), model year, and make. This also includes mileage, engine make, and engine hours, whenever it’s available.

Inspection Data: With inspection data you are provided with details on what was inspected and the outcome of each inspection. Additional details on who performed the inspection, as well as when and where inspections were performed are also available. Using Inspection Data delivers insights into inspection completion, failed inspections and service up-sells resulting from inspections.

About the Company:

For more information, visit www.decisiv.com.

Contact Info:

Dillon Martell

804-762-4153 x1 sales@decisiv.com