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SRM Case for Fleets and Asset Managers

Company Name:

Decisiv, Inc.


Solution Overview:

SRM Case provides a tremendous opportunity for fleets to gain a new level of control in managing external service events. You now have the power to drive uptime, reduce costs, and streamline communication. 

You gain full transparency into the entire service process, even with the work being done outside your own shop. Achieve your asset performance objectives, including lowering total cost of ownership and reducing asset downtime while improving both data quality and service event reporting, and driving accountability.

Request Service: You are able to send electronic service requests to any service provider that best fits your needs anywhere within the Decisiv SRM  Ecosystem.  Provide complaint information as well as request a specific appointment time. Connect with the service provider by including notes so they have critical information about your standard maintenance and repair requirements, or business practices.

Speed Estimate Approval: You have greater control over external service events by digitally reviewing and approving or rejecting estimates before the service work begins.  You can also choose to defer service and it will be captured and retained for future work. And you have the flexibility to indicate approval for the estimate as a whole or on individual service operations.

Streamline Communication: SRM Case brings multiple information sources together on a single unified platform. Get real time, in-context access to diagnostics and telematics,  asset build details, and service history.  This streamlines and simplifies the approval process, enables better collaboration with your service provider, and reduces your administrative overhead.

About the Company:

For more information about Decisiv, visit www.decisiv.com.

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Case Components:

Asset Details

Comprehensive asset details are provided, including build specifications, service history, warranty status, recalls, manuals, fault code data, and other in-context information that can be used to streamline service events, and have a digital and comprehensive record of each asset in the fleet.

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Diagnostics and Telematics

Telematic integrations provide meter readings and fault codes to assist in keeping asset data and maintenance schedules current to facilitate scheduled and preventive maintenance. Captures fault codes and diagnostic data from telematics and shop diagnostics tools. Automatically creates a case that contains this critical data to speed repair times.

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Inspection Center

Establish and complete a consistent inspection process and store inspection results for historical tracking and analysis. Consistent inspections result in more effective preventive maintenance for fleets and incremental parts and labor revenues for service providers.

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Scheduled Maintenance

Implement OEM-recommended and/or fleet specific maintenance plans and enable both asset owners and service providers to view at a glance which assets are due or overdue for PMs. Managing and adhering to maintenance schedules reduces incidents of costly unscheduled repairs and asset downtime.

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Service Provider Search

Improve scheduling time and asset uptime by allowing users to search for service providers based on the type of services provided, location, hours of service, or by using preferred provider networks. Users can then send a service request with the complaint and asset data so the provider is ready to go as soon as they receive the request.

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